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Hoodman HA170

Hoodman Hoodman

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Hoodman HA170 Expand

Hood for Sony PVM-A170, 1741 OLED & Panasonic BTLH 1700


The HA170 Hoodman helps reduce glare, adds privacy to your monitor, adds additional protection to your monitor screen and is easy to add and remove when needed. This hood is compatible with the SONY PVM-1741, PVM1741A and PVM-A170 OLED Monitors.

Hoodman has been providing innovative new products to the photo/video industry since 1986.

Founded in 1986, Hoodman Corporation has grown to be the dominant force in bringing innovative new products to the photo/video industry. With over 500 dealers in the USA and around the world, Hoodman products are easily within your reach.



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